RTEP welcome the decision of the government of Pakistan to extended the period of stay of Afghan refugees with (PoR) card holder to next one year (until 30 June 2025). We will try together with related organizations to provide such programs for them to return to their homeland of their own accord. We hope that the government of Pakistan will host them well.

Opportunity for young Afghan graduates
Are you a young graduate student interested in the work of the UN and multilateralism? Applications are open for UN Geneva ’s 62nd Graduate Study Programme, the UN’s longest-running educational initiative. More information & how to apply: click here.

09 October 2023 - RTEP organization and colleagues express their condolences on the casualties caused by yesterday's earthquakes in Herat. In these difficult moments, we call on the all national and international organizations, national businessmen at home and abroad not to forget the people of Herat and to help them in this national fear. We also try to help them as we can.

10 August 2023 - Everyone has the right to education. Everybody. But in Afghanistan, girls and women have been deprived of this fundamental right: They are no longer allowed to attend secondary school and higher education. This devastating decision threatens to wipe out huge gains made in education over the past 20 years despite major challenges. It also makes Afghanistan the only country in world today to suspend girls’ and women’s access to education. The country risks a lost generation as educated women are essential for its development. Afghanistan – or any other country – cannot advance if half of its population is not allowed to pursue an education and participate in public life.
Read full statement here

17 April 2023 - All our programs, including online and educational, will be closed from 18 april 2023 to 26 april 2023 due of Eid al-Fitr, so please do not come to training and do not try to contact us. Happy Eid to all the Muslims of the world. RTEP / RTAEP

11 April 2023 - The United Nations in Afghanistan reiterates its unequivocal condemnation of a decision by the Taliban de facto authorities to ban Afghan women from working for the UN in Afghanistan. It is the latest in a series of discriminatory measures implemented by the Taliban de facto authorities with the goal of severely restricting women and girls’ participation in most areas of public and daily life in Afghanistan. The ban is unlawful under international law, including the UN Charter, and for that reason the United Nations cannot comply.
Read full statement: click here

UN Security Council Press Statement on Afghanistan
27 December 2022: The members of the Security Council are deeply alarmed by reports that the Taliban have suspended access to universities for women and girls, and reiterated their deep concern of the suspension of schools beyond the sixth grade, and their call for the full, equal, and meaningful participation of women and girls in Afghanistan, and called on the Taliban to reopen schools and swiftly reverse these policies and practices, which represent an increasing erosion for the respect of human rights and fundamental freedoms.
Read full statement: click here

Acting UNAMA head Ramiz Alakbarov met Taliban Economy Minister.
26-December-2022: Acting UNAMA head Ramiz Alakbarov met Taliban Economy Minister Mohammad Hanif today in Kabul, calling for reversal of decision to ban women from NGO and INGO humanitarian work. Millions of Afghans need humanitarian assistance and removing barriers is vital.

ILO estimates underscore Afghanistan employment crisis.
A rapid assessment by the International Labour Organization highlights huge losses in jobs and working hours since the change in administration with women workers especially hard hit. BANGKOK (ILO News) – Job losses in Afghanistan following the change in administration in August 2021 totalled more than half a million in the third quarter and may reach 900,000 by mid-2022, according to new estimates released by the International Labour Organization (ILO). The contraction – a 14 per cent loss by mid-2022 – reflects workers pushed out of employment due to the change in administration and ensuing economic crisis as well as restrictions on women’s participation in the workplace. The total number of hours worked in the Afghan economy is estimated to have dropped by 13 per cent in the third quarter of 2021 compared to a hypothetical scenario with no change in administration.

The United Nations pays Afghan teachers directly.
UN Children's Fund says it is looking for a work way to pay the salaries of Afghan teachers directly. UNICEF education officer Jeanette Fokhlar told Reuters that the enrollment of teachers of all schools has begun for this purpose. .He said the best way to support girls education in Afghanistan is to support schools and teachers.

After COVID-19 and the political crisis, RTEP started providing humanitarian Assistance in Afghanistan.
RTEP together with partners mobilized teams for rapid needs assessment and responded to immediate needs of affected families by providing Cash, emergency shelter items and other supplies to 165 households in Kabul, Nangrahar, Khost, Balkh and Kunar provinces. Remember! All our educational and training centers are closed for now.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) effected RTEP works.
RTEP is closely monitoring and coordinating with relevant stakeholders on best-practices and prevention policies following the global public advice of World Health Organization (WHO) & European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control - ECDC in terms of the COVID-19 outbreak. RTEP is implementing appropriate measures on global, regional and local levels to raise awareness amongst staff, project participants and their families about COVID19. Stay tuned to learn more about how you can protect yourself and your loved ones from coronavirus.

Four decades and counting: An urgent need to rekindle hope for millions of Afghan refugees
The Government of Pakistan and UNHCR are jointly convening a ministerial meeting in Islamabad next week to send a global reminder about the fate of millions of Afghans living as refugees, many of whom feel the rest of the world may have already abandoned them. This is an impression that we must prove wrong. For more than 40 years, Afghans have continued to flee violence, war, conflict and natural disasters. Neighbouring countries – like Pakistan and Iran — continue to show remarkable generosity by providing refuge to millions of Afghan women, children and men, all with little recognition and decreasing international support. Read more..

Pakistan Extends Stay of Afghan Refugees Until 30th June 2023
Pakistan parlament decided and extend time of host Afghan Refugees in Pakistan until 30th June 2023. UNHCR, Afghan Governament and RTEP/RTAEP welcomes of this decision. R.T.E.P CEOs Dr.Rabert Elise said, This is a good decision by Pakistan governament, because in these days Afghanistan situation is not good for refugees to return to their homeland. Read More...

Girls' Education Forum
# SheWill !! We are happy to announce a new commitment of over $25 million for adolescent girls’ education in Afghanistan, in partnership with DFID - UK Department for International Development . The partnership was announced at the Girls' Education Forum in London on 28th june 2016! As part of the # LetGirlsLearn Initiative, RTEP’s ongoing support for adolescent girls in Afghanistan focuses on increasing the number of women teachers in the country, providing facilities and learning resources for adolescent Read More...

World Youth Skills Day!
Today (11th July )is World Youth Skills Day! Afghanistan has a sizeable youth population, with more than 60 per cent of its people aged below 25 years-old. Globally, young people are almost three times more likely to be unemployed than adults and continuously exposed to lower quality of jobs and greater labor market inequalities. Read More...

RTEP New Website
RTEP Published New Website. We need to your comments. If you have any problem in this new website. then please send your complaint by email to .